What is

Of Mind And Body?

Dive into a space where mindfulness converges with practical guidance, empowering you to tackle life's hurdles with a strengthened resolve.

Welcome to Of Mind And Body, a space that will act as a beacon for thoughts on mental well-being and the intricacies of life. These themes touch each of us, now more than ever, as we navigate a world where our attention is constantly besieged.

My journey in understanding the human mind and spirit has been both personal and educational. Over the past six years, I’ve delved deeply into the realms of psychology and philosophy, pursuing these subjects with a fervour that only self-driven study can ignite. This path has enriched my perspectives and informed the essence of my writings here.

In addition, I’ve dedicated myself to supporting others in times of crisis. Volunteering with the Crisis Textline, I completed formal training as a crisis response volunteer in 2020. This experience has not only honed my empathy and listening skills but also provided me with practical insights into mental health challenges and resilience.

The articles and reflections you’ll find on this site are a tapestry woven from my experiences – both lived and learned. They encompass a blend of my own musings and researched topics that I am deeply passionate about. My aim? To offer this website as a haven for reflection, personal growth, positivity, and motivation.

I firmly believe in the power of shaping our personal philosophies to profoundly enhance our daily lives. My aim is to share the tools and insights that have been pivotal in my transformation, hoping to expedite your path to a more enlightened, balanced state of being.

As I continue to evolve, both through my experiences and the knowledge I gain, so too will this website. It’s a living reflection of my journey, and I hope it resonates with and inspires you on your own path.

Below is the Of Mind And Body manifesto that attempts to encapsulate the ethos behind the message I am trying to convey. This manifesto serves as a guiding light for our collective journey towards mental and emotional well-being. It’s more than just words on a page; it’s a call to action for anyone seeking a life of purpose, resilience, and harmony. Whether you’re taking your first step or are well along your path, this manifesto is for you.”

I am always grateful for feedback, constructive criticism and any ideas you may have.

Andy Forbes

Of Mind And Body Manifesto

In the realm of mental health, a variety of approaches and techniques exist, and we aim to explore them all. However, at the core of our strategy for improving mental well-being are two foundational principles: Mindfulness and Stoicism. While we’ll delve into a wide range of topics, these two serve as the bedrock upon which we build our understanding and practices.

Mindfulness: The Beacon of Self-Awareness

We believe that the path to self-discovery begins with the present moment. By immersing ourselves fully in the now, we cultivate an awareness that illuminates the intricacies of our thoughts and feelings.

Through regular practice, mindfulness becomes our guiding light, enabling us to discern the cognitive challenges that emerge, and equipping us with the clarity to navigate them.

How to meditate
stoics approach to setbacks

Stoicism: The Compass of Virtuous Living

Stoicism teaches us that while we cannot control every external event, we hold the power to control our reactions to them.

By adopting a stoic mindset, we embrace a set of values that inform our daily decisions, helping us lead lives of purpose, resilience, and contentment. It is the compass that directs us towards tranquillity amidst life’s storms.

Together, these principles form a holistic approach to mental well-being. They remind us that the mind is both a sanctuary and a work in progress. By integrating these teachings, we not only enhance our understanding of ourselves but also our connection to the world around us.

positive affirmations

To Our Readers...

We invite you to embark on this transformative journey with us. Let us explore the depths of our minds, challenge our preconceived notions, and strive for a state of mental harmony.

Remember, the journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step. And every step you take with us is a step towards a more centred, resilient, and enlightened self.

Contact me

I’d love to hear from you if you have any suggestions for my content or ideas for topics you would like me to cover. My aim is to write about subjects I know about and issues I have experienced personally, but I would also be open to investigating topics that you think would be of interest.

 I will gratefully receive any feedback or comments so please drop me an email.