Stoic Quotes on Anxiety: Decoding Ancient Wisdom for Everyday Resilience

Stoic Quotes on Anxiety

In this exploration, “Stoic Quotes on Anxiety,” we delve into the profound sayings of ancient philosophers – from the tranquillity of Seneca’s thoughts to the steadfastness of Marcus Aurelius, and the pragmatic wisdom of Epictetus. Each reflection is a thread in the larger tapestry of Stoic quotes, woven together with interpretations and practical examples that […]

Social Anxiety Examined: Types, Causes and Coping Strategies for Social Phobia

social anxiety examined

What is Social Anxiety Disorder? Social Anxiety, often referred to as Social Anxiety Disorder (SAD) is a pervasive yet often misunderstood condition that casts a long, invisible yet heavy veil of fear over countless lives.  Imagine having the confidence to walk into any room, any social situation, without the fear of social anxiety turning every […]

16 Habits That Are Making Your Anxiety Worse

This article delves into 16 common habits that can inadvertently amplify feelings of anxiety. From sleep patterns and caffeine consumption to technology overuse and perfectionism, these habits, while seemingly benign, can exacerbate anxiety symptoms. By recognising and understanding these habits, readers are empowered to make informed changes, paving the way for improved mental well-being. Introduction […]