Social Anxiety Examined: Types, Causes and Coping Strategies for Social Phobia

social anxiety examined

What is Social Anxiety Disorder? Social Anxiety, often referred to as Social Anxiety Disorder (SAD) is a pervasive yet often misunderstood condition that casts a long, invisible yet heavy veil of fear over countless lives.  Imagine having the confidence to walk into any room, any social situation, without the fear of social anxiety turning every […]

How to Turn Failures into Opportunities

failure to opportunity

The Unspoken Truth About Failure How do we turn failures into opportunities? We’ve all been there—facing a setback that leaves us questioning our abilities. Whether it be the breakdown of a relationship, professional set back, or even a failure to meet a personal goal. But what if I told you that learning how to failures […]

Unveiling Cognitive Distortions: Taming Our Mind’s Tricks

Picture this: you’re in a room filled with mirrors, each reflecting a slightly altered version of yourself. But instead of a physical reflection, these mirrors distort your thoughts, skew your emotions, and cloud your judgement. Welcome to the world of cognitive distortions, where our minds play tricks on us. In this essay, we’ll embark on […]

CBT vs. Stoicism: A Comparative Analysis for Mental Health and Well-being 

When it comes to managing our mental health, there are a variety of tools and techniques available. Two popular approaches are Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) and Stoicism. While these two methods may seem similar at first glance, they actually have some key differences. What’s the difference between CBT and Stoicism? In order to differentiate between […]