Why You Should Be Honest With Yourself

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It sounds harsh but the reason you’re in the situation you are now is that you’ve been willing enough to put in the hard work required to be where you want to be. This is exactly what it’s going to take; hard work, sacrifice and time, but the key is clarity in your goals and consistency in your actions. 

Contrary to popular belief – food is not entertainment! Now food can be entertaining to eat, we clearly get a physical high from eating certain foods and when eating in a nice restaurant you would expect some pretty good food! 

But that does not mean that every time you put food in your mouth you have to be entertained! This was a big revelation for me – if you feel like complaining about food being boring the it’s time for a reality check. Your food is boring – so what?! You’re probably going to eat again in a few hours. Suck it up, stop acting like a child and get on with it. 

There is no substitute for hard work and consistency. You can’t out train a bad diet. You have to get your nutrition right. 

The “diets don’t work” myth. 

How many times have you heard someone say “I tried this diet and it didn’t work – I lost 20lbs but as soon as I stopped I put it all back on again!” 

Do you see the problem with this statement? 

If you lose 20lbs then the diet works. If you gain weight again then the diet wasn’t sustainable for you. 

It’s time to remove the word “diet” from your lexicon”. The word “diet” makes you think your being restricted, is going to be hard and it’s going to be awful. And most of the time it is.  

The key is finding a nutrition plan that you can live with, that’s easy to implement and you enjoy eating. 


Do you have a slow metabolism? 

Do you have an underactive thyroid? 

Or do you simply eat too much? 

The real cause of being overweight is overwhelmingly the latter.  Many people convince themselves that they are already at a disadvantage when it comes to losing weight. They will come up with an excuse as to why it’s too difficult for them to lose weight and then use this to justify not taking action. 

“I’m addicted to food.” 

Well join the club. 

The problem is you can’t really abstain from eating food like you would from smoking or drinking alcohol. It’s something you have to engage in each and every day. You’ll probably find it’s high sugar food you are addicted to. Studies have shown that sugar is 3 times more addictive that Cocaine, so it’s no wonder we are addicted. It’s not just obviously sugary foods you have to be aware of ie soft drinks sweets, chocolate, cake etc. High calorie foods are often full of refined sugar, and it’s the blood sugar level spikes that give you a hit of dopamine. Hence the addiction. It’s a complex subject but it’s worth knowing about and this is why you should invest in yourself.

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