DIET vs EXERCISE which is the best to lose weight?

If you’re at the start of your weight loss journey and you’re struggling to know the best way to get started then look no further. This article breaks down why and how you should be looking at your calorie intake, and whether or not your can lose weight through either diet or exercise alone. What […]

5 actions that will help you achieve sustainable weight loss.

Losing weight can be a daunting prospect, especially if you’ve tried to do it before unsuccessfully. Taking on such a task, without a proper strategy can be foolish. You can’t do it just by willing it to happen or by deciding that today is the day I’m going to lose weight. If you want this […]

I’m not fit enough… Break free from this limiting belief.

Break free from this limiting belief. Have you ever thought to yourself “I would like to do that, but I’m not fit enough”?  This is the most frustrating thing I can hear anyone say.  For me what you’re really saying is; “I’m unwilling to move out of my comfort zone” or to look at it in a […]

Why You Should Be Honest With Yourself

It sounds harsh but the reason you’re in the situation you are now is that you’ve been willing enough to put in the hard work required to be where you want to be. This is exactly what it’s going to take; hard work, sacrifice and time, but the key is clarity in your goals and […]

Keeping On Track

If you’re about to embark on a healthy eating plan the chances are you are going to experience a bit more hunger than usual.  Hunger is an incredibly impulsive state to be in so you have to be prepared for it.  How often have you started the day with the best intentions and felt great […]

Why We Eat What We Eat

If you are reading this blog chances are you are struggling to control your diet. I’m trying to shed some light on why certain foods are so hard to resist and why most of those foods are bad for you.  When we were cave dwellers and food was scarce our bodies evolved to crave foods […]

How to Avoid Temptation

How many times have you started the day with the best intentions and felt great about where your weight loss journey might take you?  How many times have you given in to temptation and felt terrible almost immediately after you’ve stopped eating?  What is this inner voice that switches from being super positive to being […]